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diciembre 4, 2016 2 Comments

Many people postpone a doctor visit to address knee or hip osteoarthritis. That happens because you believe it will end with joint replacement surgery, but that’s not always the case. “Exercise and weight

noviembre 27, 2016 2 Comments

During our 25 years in business, we’ve gathered a seasoned team of surgeons He also adds that "It may help prevent the pain and prevent surgery”. Physical therapy is also the key technique

noviembre 27, 2016 2 Comments

The health department of the US teamed with numerous medical schools and private medical clinics in order to evaluate the current state of the pediatric surgery. Research's findings highlight a drastic improvement, compared

octubre 27, 2016 2 Comments

When we're talking about plastic surgery in general, and about such an operation as the "nose job", the overwhelming majority of its recipients are... women. But recent years have seen a sudden and

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